
The benefits of working with a personal fitness trainer: much more than just physical results

In our crazy world, it is not always easy to maintain health, fitness and nutrition, The truth is that despite all the awareness there is today it is still very easy to neglect our mental and physical health. It may be that a personal fitness trainer is exactly the boost that can help you make a significant change!

It's amazing to see how many people are sure that the whole role of a personal trainer is to count repetitions, or simply tell the trainee what exercises to do. The truth is that it is very far from the truth andIn the following article we will explain what are the most important advantages of hiring a personal fitness trainer (or coach, the reference to coach here is masculine only for convenience) May they advance you to your goal.

The main advantages of working with a personal trainer:
  • Personal trainers can help improve overall health beyond just physical results
  • Personalized fitness and training programs can help to specifically match the exerciser's goals
  • The commitment and giving "accountability" to the coach help us stay on the "track" even when sometimes there is no motivation and strength
  • Guidance and professional guidance from a trainer and access to his professional knowledge is a valuable asset for training and in general for the rest of life
  • Personal training - as it sounds, it is training. Physical and mental training that will help you "conquer" goals, change habits and live a better life!

Jacky Mokamel, a 76-year-old VIP subscriber in personal training 1:1 with personal trainer Bar Elbaz

Personal trainers help direct us to our goal. It doesn't matter what your goal is, whether it's to lower your stomach, shape your hips, lose 10 kg of body weight or maybe reach a better toning level just to see a little bit of the cubes. All of us, without exception, come to the gym for a specific purpose.

We don't just find ourselves walking into the gym one fine day. So it's true, the goal can be different from person to person and it doesn't necessarily have to be related to specific physical goals, a legitimate goal can also be "just" to move the body and improve our movement and take care of our health a little and that's completely a welcome goal.

חדר כושר ריק
Empty gym

The truth is that large gyms like Holmes Place, Spice, Icon and the like actually base their business model on, among other things, the knowledge that most of the subscribers simply won't come! This is part of the business model (by the way, this is one of the reasons that in large gyms that mainly work on a large mass of clients, the monthly price is so low. They simply work on a high volume.)

But beyond that, One of the main problems that contribute to these statistics is that there is no professional involved in this process called "return to fitness". So it's true, there are quite a few people who will really make a change, make a decision, sign up for a gym, stick to a training program, change their diet and persevere over time and there are also quite a few who will succeed on their own, with willpower and independently.

In this article we will focus on the 67% for those who simply stop coming to the gym at some point. We will try to convey here this important point called: personal fitness trainer (or personal fitness trainer of course (:).

We will look together at the enormous benefits that a good trainer can give and contribute to us in changing our lifestyle, instilling good habits and achieving our fitness, nutrition and health goals. How a financial investment of a few hundred shekels in personal training with a professional trainer will return us a huge return many times over. Just like we invest our money in training funds or the capital market when the ultimate goal is to return our investment and maximize our profit as much as possible.

The opportunity to train with a training and nutrition plan that fits our specific needs It is extremely important and is a very important part of our development as trainers And above all helps us achieve results.

מאמן 1 1 חדר כושר ניקס
The benefits of working with a personal fitness trainer: much more than just physical results 9 Nix Gym

Ophir is a doctor. Personal trainer Knicks Jam

If we summarize the most important points:

If we go back a moment to this amazing figure of 67% from the gym subscribers who just stop coming and compare it to a survey carried out among exercisers with a personal trainer the figures are simply amazing:

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, a staggering 67% percentage of gym members don't actually go to the gym! Maybe a month or two at first, they arrive, feel good about themselves "I have a gym membership... I did my part" "At least I'm doing something" "That's it, now that I have a gym membership I feel good about myself"

These may be thoughts that ran through your mind when you signed up for a gym membership... but ask yourself: how satisfied would you be with your progress? How far have you really pushed yourself to the limit? How effective have you really been in your training? in your diet?

This sad statistic stands in stark contrast to the findings From an interesting study by McClaren SR from 2001, who demonstrated the strong effect of personal training on strengthening the commitment and improving the relationships of the trainees towards physical activity and persistence.

The study, published inMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, revealed that through a 12-week personal training program, most participants not only improved their physical activity behavior but also strengthened their commitment to maintaining an active lifestyle. In particular, it showed that 58% of the participants changed their attitude in one way or another towards exercise and training, clearly illustrating the effectiveness of personal training in creating permanent fitness habits.

This contrast highlights an important point: while a subscription to the gym might be a good start, the subscription alone probably won't help your progress (67%! That just don't come - remember this statistic!) Probably a subscription to the gym by itself won't be enough to encourage and spur you towards your goal.

Investing in a personal trainer can be extremely profitable. Personal trainers do much more than count repetitions, or "tear" you in training; They encourage, educate and adapt the training to your personal needs. A good fitness trainer will help you build good and strong habits towards training.

A good fitness trainer will help you when it's hard, when you're not in the mood, when you don't feel like coming. She will help you get through less good days and make sure you are on the right path to a healthy and correct lifestyle.

Do yourself a favor and don't be one of the 67% who just don't make it to the gym, who at some point will just stop and go back to an inactive lifestyle. Fitness, exercise and proper nutrition are not a "recommendation"! This is a must, we have no choice but to take care of ourselves and our health.

Sometimes all you need is a little push, the right framework and a place that will help you take the first step, or maybe return to activity and a healthy lifestyle after a long period. This is exactly what we do with our trainees! Here are some of them:

Here at Nix Jim Herzliya Pituach, we will make sure to match you with the best framework for you. We will make sure to connect you with a trainer from our professional team who will make sure to get the best out of you.

We will make sure to help you with a suitable nutritional plan that will help take you to your goal in the best and safest way. We won't promise you mountains and hills, we won't sell you dreams and quick changes, and we won't sell you any "Leftian" methods. What's more, we will be here to push you, promote you, teach you and help you live the healthiest, strongest and best life possible.

Here are some trainees who tell about their experience with us at Nix Gym

Hazi Ben Shoshan – NYX GYM VIP subscription
Liara Baram - NYX GYM VIP member
Erez Diamonds - NYX GYM VIP subscription

Feel free to click on The link is here and coordinate a personal introductory training session with one of our professional trainers (or the trainer of course) - Personal training for only NIS 99 and without obligation. Come, experience the place, the atmosphere and of course the personal training that will show you why this is such an important tool in a healthy and strong lifestyle! 🙂

incidentally, Our VIP subscription significantly lowers the cost of personal training (the cost of a single personal training session is 270 NIS not included in a subscription) and in addition gives you free access to the gym, So you don't have to pay for a regular subscription In addition (NIS 399 per month).

Our VIP subscription comes in three variations:

STARTER VIP - One personal training session per week (4 personal training sessions per month) + nutritional guidance

PREMIUM VIP - Two personal training sessions per week (8 training sessions per month) + nutritional guidance

TOP VIP - Three personal training sessions per week (12 training sessions per month) *This package includes the comprehensive nutritional support and follow-up, including a tailored menu and accurate follow-up throughout the entire process.

waiting for you. NYX GYM team 🖤

Clarification: The information presented in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical, professional or other advice. Any action you take based on the information found in this blog is at your own risk. We recommend contacting a qualified professional before making any changes to your diet, exercise program or lifestyle. The authors and administrators of this site are not responsible for any damage or injury that may occur as a result of the use of the information presented here.

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NYX GYM VIP - Our exclusive subscription that takes you hand in hand with a professional training program and precise nutritional guidance all the way to your goal. For more details click on the button below.


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