Cheap personal trainer in Herzliya

Looking for a cheap personal trainer in Herzliya? Or maybe a cheap personal trainer? Let's check together what your options are. First of all, let's start with the most important questions: ❓ What is important to you to achieve? ❓ Do you have a certain goal? ❓ Do you want to improve in training? Maybe rehabilitation from an injury? ❓ Or maybe you finally decided to get back to business after a long time? If we take […]
Full range of motion or partial range of motion in training? What is better?

Range of motion - full or partial? This is a question that concerns many in the world of fitness and training. Is it better to perform exercises in a maximum range of motion to achieve the best results, or might working in a more limited range yield certain benefits? As in many fields, here too there is no unequivocal answer.
The benefits of working with a personal fitness trainer: much more than just physical results

In our crazy world, it is not always easy to maintain health, fitness and nutrition, the truth is that despite all the awareness there is today it is still very easy to neglect our mental and physical health. It may be that a personal fitness trainer is exactly the boost that can help you make a significant change! It's amazing to see how many people are sure that the whole job of a personal trainer is to count repetitions, or simply […]
How to choose a gym correctly?

Well, we may be biased... After all, we have the best gym in Herzliya Pituach, yes?! (What modesty huh?) But regardless of us, here is a short guide that will help you to choose a gym correctly and in accordance with your needs. Choosing the right gym for you is more about comfort; It's about finding a place where you can make a commitment to yourself [...]
Strength training: Here are the five (most important) principles regarding your training

When it comes to strength training, there are very basic principles that if we follow them we can maximize the results from our training (whether you are in the process of losing weight or gaining). In this short article we will concentrate on the principle of PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD - progressive overload. We will concentrate mainly on the complex exercises (exercises that involve more than one joint in movement). If you have never trained or have not trained for a period [...]