
Strength training: Here are the five (most important) principles regarding your training

When it comes to strength training, there are very basic principles that if we follow them we can maximize the results from our training (whether you are in the process of losing weight or gaining).

In this short article we will focus on the PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD principle.
We will concentrate mainly on the complex exercises (exercises that involve more than one joint in movement).
If you've never trained or haven't trained for a long time (more than a year), your potential to get the most out of training in terms of muscle growth and strengthening is naturally higher!
If you've been training for a while and still don't see any progress with your body, refreshing these important principles will help you move forward and get the most out of your training.

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Strength training: here are the five (most important) principles regarding your training 2 Nix Gym
  1. Prioritize what is important to you
    It may sound trivial, but with all the advice, tips and videos flooding us, we can easily get lost and zigzag each time talking to talking and stepping in place.

How many repetitions to do? How many sets? Exercises with explosive strength? How heavy should you lift? reach failure? and so'

For example: if it's important to you to get stronger, you should focus on lifting heavy, if it's important to you to increase muscle mass, focus should go to training volume, if there are certain movements that are important to you to do, focus on improving the technique of specific exercises.

  1. Keep up the good technique!
    If you just train just to train without paying attention to proper technique, someday you will get injured! (From my past experience as an enthusiastic and stupid young man).

The right and best way to progress with your training, to lift better and heavier will be by improving your technique and precision of movement.

The best way is to take a coach. Even for a few individual trainings to go through and refine the technique!

I myself train with a trainer in order to continue to improve. Be better with your technique and you will be able to progress in the best and safest way!

  1. Repetition ranges and exercise selection
    Often doing classic exercises like deadlifts, pushups, deadlifts, squats, chest presses, etc. will be the most effective because doing these exercises is the natural thing our body wants to do movement-wise.

In terms of rep range, you've probably heard that a lower rep range (5 or less) is better for developing strength while a higher rep range is more effective for hypertrophy (building muscle mass). This is true to some extent but don't get hung up on it.

A good workout can have different repetition ranges.

  1. Strength or toning? Mmm?!
    Don't mess with all these settings. First of all, start with something you enjoy doing.

Beyond that, it's pretty much like the chicken and the egg...

If you want to "grow" correct training will also make you stronger (yes, that's what happens when you train 😉) and to get stronger you need to grow, the muscle mass grows and gets stronger because of the training.

This means that in the end you have to get the best out of your training (don't forget the issue of nutrition of course) and concentrate on getting stronger, improving and progressing with your training (increasing weight, increasing volume, improving technique, etc.)

  1. Don't forget the recovery!
    Resting and giving the body the time to build itself is no less important than strong training!

- Eat well (correct calorie balance)

- Sleep well (a good 7-8 hours of sleep)

- Try to balance the stress levels in your life (meditation!)

Do not neglect even one of these three things. Super important for your progress!

to finish…
Tip for beginners or advanced exercisers:
Beginners: the most important thing is to stick to your training plan (strength training plan) and not change anything every week! (I've seen it so much). Just start something and be consistent!
Moving forward: the most important thing is to check where you are moving forward with your plan, where you can make small changes that will take you forward. The focus should be on progress over time.

Clarification: The information presented in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical, professional or other advice. Any action you take based on the information found in this blog is at your own risk. We recommend contacting a qualified professional before making any changes to your diet, exercise program or lifestyle. The authors and administrators of this site are not responsible for any damage or injury that may occur as a result of the use of the information presented here.

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